Thursday, May 5, 2016

#tbt - Memories of my Dad

"You are My Sunshine" and Old Spice aftershave will always be linked for me.  They both take me immediately to my early childhood living in an apartment in Washington, DC with both of my parents.

My father worked in a drug store and went in late every other day.  On those days I remember my dad shaving and dressing all the while humming or singing "You are My Sunshine."  It is such a comforting memory.  I always link that song with him.

There were other songs as well.  My dad loved Elvis but the Elvis of spiritual songs.  My dad's favorite was "Peace in the Valley."  He did a pretty good Elvis sound when he sang along.  It's funny what memories come with songs and smells. 

Every now and then those songs just spring into my head.  I figure my dad is close at hand.


Linda said...

Love this!!

Linda in VA

Janet said...

Thanks Linda