Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Bout of Books: Progress Day One

I finished my first book yesterday.  Did Lucrezia Borgia poison her husbands?  Was incest a part of her life?  What was life as a Papal bastard like?  Blood and Beauty by Sarah Dunant reveals some of the secrets in the life of this historical figure.

Not so long ago, we watched the Showtime series The Borgias.  I didn't know much about this family and after binge watching, I was hooked.  I needed to read more.  Blood and Beauty proved to be a good start.  While the television series concentrated on Roderigo Borgia the Pope, the novel centers on Lucrezia.  I admit the book is not a page turning thriller but it certainly satisfied my curiosity. 

I am taking an entirely different turn for my next choice.  Next Up:  Miss Julia Takes over by Ann B Ross

1 comment:

J Lenni Dorner said...

Great job getting one book down. Keep on reading!